Travel Diary Porto Alegre, Brazil <<back
27.02.2005 08:09:18 PM - nic
Brazil-Porto Alegre-DSCF9293.JPG   In Brasilien ist alles wieder etwas groesser, chaotischer und lebendiger! Porto Alegre ist unsere erste Destination hier.
27.02.2005 08:09:48 PM - nic
Brazil-Porto Alegre-DSCF9297.JPG   Brazil-Porto Alegre-DSCF9299.JPG
27.02.2005 08:10:12 PM - nic
Brazil-Porto Alegre-DSCF9291.JPG
15.03.2005 07:33:29 PM - nicole
Brazil-Porto Alegre-DSCF9485.JPG   Our first stop in Brasil was Porto Alegre. This is a fairly big town in the south of the country. From the first moment we were impressed from the hustle and bustle of the city. We could feel the energy of all these people. It was a Saturday and the crowds were out shopping! It seemed that everybody was on the streets. We were presented with a colourful and vibrant chaos. After calm and laied back Uruguay, this was quite a change.
/Travel Diary Porto Alegre , Brazil <<back